It is the aim of Colchester Institute to provide all students, apprentices, parents/guardians of students and employers with a high-quality service. However, from time-to-time problems may occur. You have the right to pursue the resolution of any difficulties and the College will undertake to respond to your complaint with care and concern. We do ask that complaints are logged in a timely fashion.
Problems should first be discussed with the relevant department. If you wish the complaint to be logged, it will be recorded at this point.
If discussion does not resolve the matter or if it is not appropriate, you may wish to escalate matters using the formal complaints procedure. The complaint should be made in writing, by telephone or via the online process accessed here:
When accessing the College website directly, the online form is located on the home page of the College portal via the Contact Us button, and then by clicking on the pink Concerns and Complaints button.
In response to complaints the College will:
Make an initial response, acknowledging your complaint within 5 working days.
Research the circumstances/details of the matter and provide, usually with a maximum of 15 working days, a full response, including, where appropriate, explanation and details of any actions taken.
Log and track all complaints for Quality Assurance purposes.
If your complaint is about external assessment, you should contact the Examinations Office who will explain the procedure for the relevant awarding organisation concerned.
A complaint about the outcome of a disciplinary process or a progression decision will be dealt with via an appeals process.
The College reserves the right to restrict contact in regard to any complaint that is considered to be frivolous, vexatious or motivated by malice. This includes, but is not limited to, complaints which are obsessive, harassing, repetitive or are designed to cause disruption or annoyance.
If the College’s complaints procedure has been exhausted and you are still dissatisfied the Education and Skills Funding Agency have their own complaints procedure, which reviews the processes the College has gone through when dealing with your complaint and the decisions that have been made.
A copy of the complaints procedure can be accessed via the website:
The procedure for complaints relating to Higher Education can be accessed via this link:
Compliments and comments can be made on-line, by email or by telephone using the main reception number 01206 712000.