Welcome to Energy Skills Centre (Harwich)
For many years the thriving Harwich Energy Skills Centre has been supporting skills development in the both the Offshore Wind Sector, and more latterly the onshore engineering sector. Year on year investment has been made to ensure the centre, located next to Harwich International Port is able to fully support the skills needs of local and regional employers.

Leading on many successful employer partnerships, the Centre has delivered a range of exciting programmes including Energising Harwich and Engineering for Industry.
As well as electrical, fabrication and welding courses, the current catalogue includes various working at heights accredited training, safety training and confined space training; afforded by a 50ft working at heights training facility based in Colchester.
Supported by the Skills Funding Agency, Essex County Council and Tendring District Council the Centre first opened in 2013 following a £500,000 investment underlining the College’s commitment to supporting skills requirements within the energy sector.
The Centre contains a large multi-purpose workshop, two large classrooms featuring an IT suite, staff offices and welfare facilities. The Centre is ideally placed to help achieve the Colleges strategic aims alongside supporting inward investment in Harwich including the Galloper Operations and Maintenance Base.
Students can gain the opportunity of being fast tracked through both inshore and offshore engineering training qualifications. Details of the specific training on offer under the four week introductory programme, and the twelve week passport to work programme can be obtained from the below contacts. Employer partners are also welcome to contact us with regard to any identified training need across the energy and engineering sectors.
Contact Us
Teresa Bishop (teresa.bishop@colchester.ac.uk), Project Manager and Support Supervisor on 01206 712 990, or
Anna Porter (anna.porter@colchester.ac.uk), Engineering for Industry Administrator on 01206 712 719.
Energy Skills Centre (Harwich) Address
Hamilton House
Foster Road
Parkeston Quay
CO12 4QA
☎ (01206) 712 719