A College in Colchester has been praised by an education watchdog for providing student and apprentices with a “high-quality teaching environment”. Colchester Institute, in Sheepen Road, which also has locations in Braintree and Dovercourt, has received its first Ofsted report in two years.
Following a four-day inspection which started on October 22, the report was published on Tuesday. It follows on from a good report in 2022 after the education establishment had battled back from a requires improvement rating in November 2018. Inspectors found Colchester Institute was good for its overall effectives, the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, education programmes for young people. The grading was also for its adult learning programmes, apprenticeships, and provision for learners with high needs.

At the time of the inspection there were 4,186 students on 16 to 19 study programmes. According to the report, students and apprentices value the support they receive from teaching staff and the staff support adult students with any wider support they may have. It also praised the facilities the students use.
It said: “Apprentices studying dental nurse courses in Colchester learn in a fully equipped dentist’s suite, complete with the de-contamination equipment used in the industry. Health students at Colchester use a fully equipped treatment centre with diagnostic medical equipment. Younger students studying digital courses at the Braintree campus benefit from collaborative learning spaces, technical IT suites and studios.”
The report also details how younger students take part in a range of useful activities to prepare them effectively for future employment. Students are able to “participate in meaningful work experience” opportunities and apprentices develop important new knowledge, skills and behaviours that they need for their future careers.
Principal and Chief Executive, Alison Andreas said the visit involved 14 inspectors for four days, across both the Colchester and Braintree campuses.
She said: “We are delighted that the hard work of our staff and the great achievements of our students have been recognised again, with grades of good awarded across all eight judgements areas. A judgement is also made about the contribution the college makes to meeting skills needs, and we were awarded the best possible outcome of strong – a rating received by fewer than a third of colleges since 2022. As a professional and technical college this grade is very important to us. It reflects our excellent stakeholder relationships and the vital role that employers play in the design and delivery of our programmes. Ensuring that college leavers are ready for their next steps – whether onto vocational degrees, into apprenticeships or into the world of work.”