Policy Details
Policy Owner: UCC Academic Services
CE Sponsor: Principal and Chief Executive Officer
Date created this year: 8th September 2024. Version: 1.1. Approved by: Principal and Chief Executive Officer. Date approved: 8th September 2024. To be reviewed: September 2027.
Equality Impact Assessment Tool
Name of Policy: UCC Student Charter
1. Does the policy/guidance affect one group less or more favorably than another on the basis of:
Race or ethnicity: No
Disability: No
Gender: No
Religion or belief: No
Sexual orientation: No
Age: No
Marriage and Civil Partnership: No
Maternity and Pregnancy: No
Gender Reassignment: No
2. Is there any evidence that some groups are affected differently? No
3. If you have identified potential discrimination, are any exceptions valid, legal and/or justifiable? N/A
4. Is the impact of the policy/guidance likely to be negative? No
5. If so, can the impact be avoided? N/A
6. What alternatives are there to achieving the policy/guidance without the impact? N/A
7. Can we reduce the impact by taking different action? N/A
Welcome to University Centre Colchester at Colchester Institute!
Colchester Institute has a long and proud history of offering high quality Higher Education programmes in a range of professional and technical subjects, which lead graduates into successful new careers or enable them to progress in their existing field of work.
By embarking on a programme of higher education, you are committing considerable time, money and effort to your personal, professional and academic development. We want that commitment to be thoroughly worthwhile.
Through the teaching and learning that is provided at UCC, you will have every opportunity to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge – some of which will be subject and course specific and some of which will be more generic, shaping you as a person, as a lifelong learner, and as a professional.
As with almost every aspect of life, your output will depend on your input (as they say ‘you get out what you put in’) and your experience and learning will be enriched by those around you. Your learning will be inspired by our lecturers, your peers and from your own reading, research and reflections.
Our small class sizes and extensive student support are two important characteristics of University Centre Colchester. Our staff are all expert practitioners in the subjects that they teach and they have the skills not only to share their knowledge, experience and expertise with their students, but also to help you to develop the skills of independent and lifelong learning and development. With these, your learning journey will continue way beyond your graduation date and ensure you are equipped for future endeavours.
We are proud of our diverse community and hope that you will take every opportunity to make this community an important of your own personal and professional network.
This charter is about the expectations of all members of that community – and its aim is to ensure that everyone within UCC has a really positive experience and the maximum chance of success.
Your experience at UCC is very important to us. We all want to exceed your expectations and we want you to surprise yourselves in all that you achieve.
Alison Andreas, Principal and Chief Executive
The Student Charter has been developed jointly by students and staff at the University Centre Colchester.
All students are encouraged to read this document so that they know what they can expect, and what is expected of them during their time at University. The Charter is not a binding contract as such, but outlines a commonly accepted set of principles. These principles are based on the understanding that Learning & Teaching at University Centre Colchester is an effective partnership, in which University Centre Colchester and its staff have professional obligations and where students are also responsible for themselves as learners and as individuals.
The Charter is reviewed annually by staff and student representatives.
Students can expect University Centre Colchester to:
Students can expect staff to:
University Centre Colchester can expect students to:
Staff can expect students to:
The University Centre Colchester community of students and staff can expect each other to:
Thank you for reading this Charter. Many of the above points are not just part of a charter, they are drawn from everyday life: working and living in communities, making the most of professional opportunities as they arise, offering each other respect and understanding, and treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.
What is on offer academically at University Centre Colchester prepares students for ‘real-life’ jobs. It draws on staff expertise that is current in relation to the employment market, and is underpinned by a collaborative spirit of support, discovery and attainment.
Welcome to University Centre Colchester!
Alison Andreas
Principal and Chief Executive
Colchester Institute